Workshop for Small Scale Food Processors

Workshop for Small Scale Food Processors


Small Scale Food Processing Workshop

  • Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Thursday, January 28, 2021, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Calling All Aspiring Food Entrepreneurs!

If you are considering a new food processing business, or growing the one that you already have, then this workshop is for you!

A small-scale food processing business can provide many benefits and opportunities such as job creation and financial independence. But the food industry is a complex business with strict food safety regulations and a requirement for high quality products and food entrepreneurs must get familiar with state and federal requirements such as licensing, safety procedures, recipe approvals or labeling standards. With a clear understanding of the key steps and a good plan, a small-scale food processing business can turn into a profitable enterprise.

Join us for two mornings of learning and guidance on how to start and grow your food business. Both current and potential food entrepreneurs are encouraged to attend!

Full agenda, list of speakers and presentations go to

Registration due date is Monday, January 25th.

How to Register:

  1. Go here
  2. Choose your session(s) to attend and purchase by using yellow PayPal buttons. You will receive a PayPal confirmation email.
  3. A Zoom link to access your online session(s) and the workshop agenda will be provided on Monday, January 25th.


Day 1 - $35, Day 2 - $35, Both days - $60

Learn More

Last updated January 21, 2021