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New York State Historic Barn Rehabilitation Tax Credit
Owners of historic barns may qualify for a New York State tax incentive for qualified rehabilitation work. The Historic Barn Rehabilitation Tax Credit program offers a state income tax credit equal to 25% of the expenditures incurred to rehabilitate a historic barn. The barn must have been built prior to 1946 (National Register listing is not a requirement) and the work must be approved by the Division for Historic Preservation. There is no cap on the amount of credit that may be earned, and taxpayers can begin to claim the credit on their 2022 NYS taxes.
For more information about the qualification criteria and the application process, please review the documents below, or call 518-237-8643 and request to speak to the Division staff member who handles barn credits. More information and application documents can be found at
This post is from an update written by Dr. Rob Lynch of Cornell PRO-DAIRY and contains information from the CDC of the status of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus in dairy cattle, as well as new biosecurity recommendations from the USDA, AABP, NMPF, and NYS Ag & Markets.
Additional details and resources for how to manage this evolving
situation can be found here:Dairy Biosecurity
As you are likely aware,
the dairy cow health situation that started in the Texas panhandle now has
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) identified as the cause, or at least
playing a significant role. Below is a case description of affected cows on those
dairies, news from Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC)
regarding the diagnosis of HPAI in a dairy worker from one of the affected
herds, and some new biosecurity recommendations from American Association of
Bovine Practitioners (AABP), National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), and NYS
Department of Agriculture and Markets.
Confirmed States with HPAI in Dairy Cattle: Texas, Kansas, Michigan, New Mexico, and Idaho have confirmed cases of HPAI in dairy cattle. A case in Ohio is presumptive positive, but awaiting confirmation). Additional diagnostics are ongoing. Wild migrating birds are believed to spread the virus, but cow-to-cow transmission cannot be ruled out.
Clinical Presentation: Farms with cattle experiencing this illness describe cows dropping in feed intake and rumen activity/rumination, rapid drop in milk production (some with milk taking on the appearance of colostrum), and abnormal manure (either firm/tacky or diarrhea). Other less consistent clinical signs include fever (low grade to high), and secondary infections. It has been reported that about 10 percent of cows affected on farm with these cases. Peak occurrence is about three to four days after the first case, and then decreasing in number until it resolves in about 14 days. Virtually all affected cows recover with supportive care after about two to three weeks, although some did not return to their previous production level. Affected animals are predominantly older mid- and late-lactation cows.
HPAI in a human patient: CDC has confirmed HPAI in one person person who was exposed to cattle on a Texas dairy presumed infected with HPAI. Symptoms are reported as mild, and the person was prescribed an antiviral medication and is isolating. This is the second patient to be diagnosed with HPAI in the US; the first occurred in 2022.
Heightened Biosecurity Recommendations: There is not a clear explanation of all the ways this virus is spread to dairy cattle, and the U. S. Department of Agriculture, NMPF, AABP, and NYS Ag & Markets are recommendingheightened biosecurity measures. In addition to standard biosecurity steps, it is recommended that dairy farms do the following:
Additional details and resources for how to manage this evolving situation can be found here: Dairy Biosecurity Recommendations-HPAI-more_March2024_FINAL
Rob Lynch, DVM (
Cornell PRO-DAIRY Dairy Herd Health and Management Specialist
Janice Beglinger
Agriculture Outreach Coordinator
585-343-3040 x132
Last updated February 27, 2025