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  • Reduces waste and extends the life of landfills
  • Conserves natural resources and energy
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that are responsible for global warming

But, it’s really important to get the right stuff in your curbside bin. When the wrong stuff ends up in bins it creates extra work at sorting facilities (MRF’s) and can make it difficult to market the targeted materials. If recyclable materials become contaminated with too many items that are not recyclable, they might all end up in the landfill. The GLOW Region Solid Waste Management Committee (GLOW) was created to allow the Counties of Genesee, Livingston, Orleans and Wyoming to work together cooperatively to develop strategies for the management of solid waste, and they are here to help! Visit The GLOW Region Solid Waste Management website to find out more on recycling the items not able to be put in your curbside bin!

Items that are NOT recyclable:

Plastic shopping bags (accepted at grocery, department, and drug stores)

Foam packaging, cups, and egg cartons

Ceramics, drinking glasses, Pyrex and other glass cookware

Paper coffee cups and plates

Paper egg cartons (can be composted)

Plastic plates and utensils

Clothing, textiles and shoes (take to Goodwill, non-profits, thrift stores or a textile drop-off location)

Food and beverage containers should be emptied, rinsed and free of residue

Last updated January 4, 2023