
Lawn Care

Soil pH: Need to test the pH in your soil?  Our Master Gardeners would be happy to test the pH in your soil!  Call the office to learn how to best take a soil sample or watch this great how-to video from the University of Illinois. There is a fee of $5 per soil sample.

Further soil tests: Contact our office for information on more in-depth soil testing! 

The NYS Integrated Pest Management offers a how to guide for lawn care without harmful pesticides. The Cornell Turfgrass program uses research-based practices to manage turfgrass as an environmental asset. It provides online lawn care resources on a wide variety of related issues. 

Have a Beautiful Yard without the Chemicals - This NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation page offers tips and resources for having a chemical free yard.

Legal Issues Concerning Lawn Fertilizer (1/2012) This NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation page explains new regulations regarding phosphorus-containing fertilizer and runoff. The new law will improve water quality in drinking water supplies, as well as improving recreation and tourism in waterbodies negatively affected by excessive amounts of phosphorus.

Last updated January 6, 2025